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2020 Year in Review

10 Dec, 2020 82
2020 Year in Review

This year's spring planting began on May 1st, though, it looked a little bit different than in past years due to the pandemic. For this reason, we wanted to do something positive and uplifting for our local healthcare workers. Together, and Spring Grove Nursery rallied together to accept nominations for our Planting Peace - Growing Hope project. This was a way for us to give back to our local community and our healthcare heroes. The recipients each had a tree planted in their honor.

The's crew remained hard at work tree planting all spring, summer, and fall long despite the uncertainty that presented itself at the beginning of 2020. We wrapped up 2020's tree planting during the second week of December and we'd like to think that the final stretch of this year's tree planting was most definitely a winner!
It seems that there is a silver lining to this year's unpredictability— homeowners spent more time at home, wanting to beautify their landscapes and we were there to answer their call. It's truly been an outstanding year for tree planting and we've been fortunate to do what we love to do every single day.

Spring tree planting graphic

We plant trees near where others were removed pretty often. At this particular home, we came in, in early spring and replaced a few trees on the parkway and in the landscape bed.

Rivers Purple Memorial Tree

Around the end of May, near Memorial Day we planted a Rivers Purple Beech tree— a beautiful, and unique tree selection for a memorial tree. This tree was planted in downtown Morris, IL in remembrance of John Enger. 

Pool Trees for Privacy

Arborvitae is an ideal option for this home's backyard pool oasis. These trees not only add much-needed privacy & screening, but they also bring in the beauty of soft evergreen foliage, color, and texture. This home's end of spring tree planting rolled them right into a rocking summer!

Chicago Garden

This year's spring wouldn't be complete without tree planting in this lush Chicago backyard oasis. It filled in wonderfully with the shade, texture, and color of our beautiful trees.

Summer Tree Planting graphic

Fall tree planting graphic

...and that's a wrap!

Check out our 2020 highlight reel →