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America's Spookiest Trees

28 Oct, 2024 172
America's Spookiest Trees

America's history isn't all stars and stripes. Some of it can be a bit... spooky. Old trees have taken witness to historical events, but not all have been recorded in our history books.

Lore has it that some of these old trees have spirits protecting them, or will haunt those that dare to go near them.

Spooky tree in silhouette

America's Spookiest Trees & Where to Find Them Text with Spooky night sky

1.) The Devil’s Tree

An old oak with gangly, lumpy limbs resides in New Jersey. Some say it used to be the NJ headquarters for the KKK, and has a dark history during the times of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. Legend has it that the tree is cursed and is the gateway to H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS. It's said that the soil beneath it stays snow-frree even during the winter months. The tree may curse those who go near it. 


2.) The Hanging Tree of Calabasas

This tree has bore witness to times of war, and times of peace but it’s mostly remembered for the darker of times when execution by hanging was acceptable whether by law or vigilantes. 


3.) Fairchild Oak of Florida

This ancient live oak, all knotted, tangly and large, stood for over 400 years near old plantation grounds. In recent years, visitors to the tree have noted sightings, and apparitions. 


4.) Angel Oak Tree

Ancient oaks have a mystical presence. The Angel Oak of South Carolina could be the most mysterious oak tree of them all. Exactly as it is— an old tree, large, with its branches shading over 17,000 square feet, the oak tree all on its own is remarkable and worth visiting. Stir in a bit of spooky history and it’s now a Halloween Bucket List must-see item. This tree was witness to the dark times of slavery in the US. Visitors report the tree has an “aura of protection” surrounding it. Some say, the presence is demonic and evil. 


5.) The Cora Tree

Oh to have been a free-thinking female in the early 1700’s. The Cora Tree is a landmark for the burning at the stake of a young woman and her infant child. 

A single mother, who sought refuge in the Outer Banks for a chance at a new life with her baby was deemed a witch. When the tree was torched, it is said that lightning struck the tree, and she and the baby were nowhere to be found. Leaving only the word, Cora carved into the bark of the tree. 


6.) The Witching Tree of RI

This last one is harder to find information on, though, that isn’t unheard of when it comes to superstitious topics. Some thrill seeking raconteurs have pinpointed the tree’s location. While others say it can’t be confirmed. 

The tree is said to be the cause for automobile accidents when driving by it at night. The accidents have repeatedly scarred the tree giving it the legend of being a haunted tree.


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Google Map of America's Spookiest Trees

Disclaimer → None of us at have ever seen these spooky trees in person. We can't testify to their spooktacularness. Plan your trip at your own discretion. We are not responsible for any hauntings, sorcery or eerie vibes.


1.) Wikipedia | The Devil's Tree

2.) PBS | Witness to a Hanging: California's Haunted Trees

The Acorn | Calabasas Tree Hangs it Up

3.) Daytona Beach | Myth of Fact? Hear the Story of the Haunted Fairchild Oak

4.) Fox News | Haunted History: Angels Surrounding the Oldest Oak

5.) Island Free Press | The Cora Tree: Halloween-worthy Local Legend

6.) New England Legends | The Witch Tree

The Paranormal Guide | The Witch Tree