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Best Trees to Plant to Attract Birds & Butterflies

29 Apr, 2019 125
Best Trees to Plant to Attract Birds & Butterflies

There are so many benefits to trees! They help save energy, they clean our air, water and even help to reduce stress but have you ever thought about the benefit of the wildlife they attract? Here we've got the best trees for attracting birds and butterflies!

Oak Trees

Attract butterflies and birds among many other wildlife species.

Bur Oak

Serviceberry Trees

This tree's widespread branching offers shelter to birds and produces a delicious treat with a blueberry-like fruit that's edible by humans and wildlife alike!


Juniper Trees

The dusty blue fruit is a favorite among birds!

Star Power Juniper

Dogwood Trees

This tree will specifically attract the Snout Butterfly!

Pagoda Dogwood

Birch Trees

This tree's leaves are home to hundreds of butterfly and moth species!

River Birch


Eastern Redbud Trees

Butterflies & hummingbirds love these tiny flowers as a sweet early spring treat— they are some of the first flowers to bloom in spring!


Horsechestnut Trees

Hummingbirds love these trumpet-shaped flowers!

Autumn Splendor

Catalpa Trees 

Hummingbirds love these large, bell-shaped flowers!

Purple Catalpa

Vernal Witchhazel Trees

Birds love snacking on this tree's seeds! Also, this tree is host to the Spring Azure Butterfly larvae.


Tulip Trees

Songbirds!!!! In late spring you're likely to hear the sound of songbirds in your tulip tree!

Tulip Tree

Crabapple Trees

Hummingbirds!!!! Need we say more?



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