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Blooming Brief: Horsechestnut Trees!

17 May, 2019 73
Blooming Brief: Horsechestnut Trees!

Let's take a look and see what's in bloom this week!

Autumn Splendor Horsechestnut

Autumn Splendor Horsechestnut, a very attractive ornamental hybrid, is an excellent choice. Dark green, shiny leaves are scorch resistant and turn vivid maroon-red in the fall. Beautifully adorned in springtime with short spikes of yellow flowers. Attracts wildlife with its production of large nuts. Marlee and Chris have one of these beauties planted at their home!

Autumn Splendor


Fort McNair Horsechestnut

Fort McNair Horse Chestnut is an attractive, medium-sized, round-headed, shade tree. In spring it will show off its yellow-throated pink blooms, followed by golden foliage in the fall. This tree is favored by hummingbirds. These aren't currently available this year but if you look around you may spot them in bloom! Heres' a few pictures of one that was seen in Morris! Its foliage is pretty noteworthy too so I included a picture of its leaves too since they're huge and beautiful!

Fort McNair

Fort McNair

Fort McNair Leaves

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