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Blooming Brief Week of April 27th: Ornamental Pear, Serviceberry & Redbud

29 Apr, 2020 60
Blooming Brief Week of April 27th: Ornamental Pear, Serviceberry & Redbud

This week we're seeing an explosion of Ornamental Pear, Serviceberry & Redbud Trees!

Pear Trees

Ornamental Pear is a popular choice for our customers, they adore the spring blooms and look forward to bright fall colors. These trees are commonly placed in open areas of the landscape or along the parkway. 




Serviceberry trees are similar to Ornamental Pear in that they're very popular with our customers and put on a rockin' spring flower display and they show off in autumn with bright fall colors. Serviceberry is a great 3 season accent tree and can even act as a privacy screen when placed properly around your home. 



This tree is an absolute knockout in the spring and is a definite focal point for any landscape. Eastern Redbud is a spectacular spring bloomer, with very showy pink to purple flowers held tightly on bare branches in early spring.


Hurry up! Order now for spring delivery and planting. Placing your order now will assure your trees are held for you and the sooner you order, the sooner we can get your trees planted.


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