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Grower Talk: Anticipation

22 Apr, 2019 33
Grower Talk: Anticipation

Spring is Spring Grove Nursery's cue that the trees are beginning to wake up from their long winter's nap. The nursery runs a tight operation within a short 6 week period of time where they not only have dig all of their trees (and ours) for the spring and summer season but they also have to plant their new liner trees in the field. This is all on top of normal day to day tasks that they have to do. It poses its challenges but at the same time, it's what they live for. In Becky Thomas' words, "The challenges of springtime often make us wonder why we are in this business. But those same challenges – and the entire process of what happens in the spring – is EXACTLY why we are in this business. We love trees, we love the outdoors, we love the magic of spring, and we love that this is our job."

Last week when Becky was in the field getting a count in anticipation of which trees were next on the dig schedule for her crew to get out of the ground before they leafed out she was unexpectedly stopped in her tracks while photographing her trees. 

"I was caught off guard by a different kind of anticipation – one that was unfolding before me. This anticipation presented itself as a brief glimpse of what is yet to grow on the trees for the rest of the season. We generally focus all of our efforts on staying ahead of the process so that we can complete our field work tasks. For that afternoon, it was nice to actually recognize this anticipation as the true gift that it really is."

SGN Tree Buds

What a beautiful sentiment and observation to usher-in the beginning of the spring season!

Check out SGN's blog post

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