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Grower Talk: August at the Nursery

12 Aug, 2019 50
Grower Talk: August at the Nursery

The nursery's trees in the field and holding yard are flourishing and growing vigorously due to the amount of spring rain and timely summer rains and sunshine we've had. The nursery is finding that they have to do a second round of pruning on some trees so that the canopy stays in proportion to the tree's caliper. The nursery's attention to detail makes for healthy and strong trees come digging time. Next up, is fall inventory where the nursery will determine what's getting dug for fall planting and what will remain in the field for further growth until their spring dig. 

"Most of our initial pruning work is done. We are going back now and putting the finishing touches on some blocks of trees for future crops. Some of the new growth has been vigorous this season due to all of the early spring rains, so we are finding the need to start back through pruning some trees a second time. We want to stay ahead of the top growth so that the heads can stay in proportion to the trunk caliper and we don’t need to stake any more than necessary."

Pruning Honeylocust Trees

Our holding yard is looking lush and the trees are ready to be delivered and planted.

"In the Above Ground Holding Yard, the trees are still looking great! We have a diverse selection of trees available including several spring dig only trees like Oaks, Red Maples, Birch, Hornbeam, Dawn Redwood, Baldcypress, Redbud, etc. Everything is fresh and ready to go for fall planting projects." Holding Yard

The nursery's cover crop coming in as healthy as ever. 

Cover Crop Soybean Cover Crop

Check out this cool view of the nursery from above!

"Becky’s Dad also captured some great nursery pics from his plane the other day. You can see our new shed/office project underway on the corner."

Tree Farm View from Above

Here's a closer look at the nursery breaking ground on their new shed. This is a very exciting undertaking for the nursery and we couldn't be happier for them and their next chapter.

Breaking Ground

Be sure to check out the nursery's notes from the field here