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Grower Talk: May Notes from the Field

23 May, 2019 26
Grower Talk: May Notes from the Field

Spring Grove Nursery is our sister company and our main tree supplier. April and May have been really wet at the nursery! We had snow at the beginning of April and then lots of rain this month with even more rain in the forecast! Our trees are looking healthier than ever but when we have inclement weather it affects not only the work in the field but also our delivery and installation schedule. We are very busy staying on task and getting orders out as fast and timely as possible and we appreciate our customer's patience with us and all of this unpredictable weather.

Let's take a closer look at what's been going on at the nursery this month.

SGN Tree's Notes from the Field 

"We started out May pretty wet, and it seems that we will end the month in the same boat. But despite the weather, we have had a very productive spring none the less! We finished our evergreen digging and are wrapping up pulling the last ones in from the field. Our Above Ground Holding Yard is well stocked and the trees look better than ever! We have been busily shipping hundreds of trees out daily, and we will continue to ship daily for projects coming up in season. Next, we will transition to the rest of our spring field work like pruning, staking, mowing, and spraying. The newly planted liner crop has been enjoying these spring rains, and they all appear to be off to a great start.

Our fields have been shining with beautiful flowers and fresh green foliage this spring... Springtime in the nursery always brings a fresh perspective on a bright future ahead!"

- Becky Thomas of Spring Grove Nursery

Here are a few pictures of Crabapple in the field, loving the rain, thriving and exploding with fragrant blooms!

Crabapples in Nursery White and Pink Flowering

Pink Flowering Crabapple

Fuzzy purple Crabapple Foliage Closeup

Sargent Tina Crabapple

Sargent White Flowering Crabapple with Bumble Bee

Check out Spring Grove Nursery's blog post to see more pictures from their May field notes!

Resources: Crabapple Selections

 SGN Blog


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