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Grower Talk- New Trees added to the line up.

24 Apr, 2018 40
Grower Talk- New Trees added to the line up.

New Trees!

The staff at make it a priority to keep our customers educated and aware of the importance of planting a diverse tree canopy.  When planting trees is it is best to plant diversity. Planting too many of the same kind of tree can be a worry for the health of the future tree canopy. All though we hope it never happens, we can never be sure when or if a disease, insect, or other deadly environmental cause will develop and wipe out one species or type of tree.

We believe it is important to encourage tree planting of all types and varieties. Placing a variety of trees in the landscape will ensure the tree canopy for many years to come.

"He who plants trees loves others besides himself"

- Thomas Fuller

Becky Thomas, from Spring Grove Nursery, explains their new trees that are available in 2018, as well as the new crop of trees planted for future.

"We have some fantastic fresh new trees in the field this spring! Some of the new varieties that we will be digging this spring are Heritage River Birch, Turkish Filbert, Worplesdon Sweetgum, Slender Silhouette Sweetgum, White Shield Osage Orange, Ruby Vase Parrotia, Pink Flair Cherry, Scarlet Letter Oak, and Jack Pear.

We also have a great new crop of liners to plant this spring. Some new varieties we are excited to be trying out are Spaeth’s Alder, Emerald Avenue Pyramidal Hornbeam, Fire King American Hornbeam, Heartland Catalpa, Red Fox Katsuratree, True North Kentucky Coffeetree, Sparkling Sprite Crabapple… just to name a few.

Supply is tight this season due to increased demand in the market. But don’t worry – we still have a great supply of trees available yet this spring! We will also be planting a full crop into the field as we have continued to do every year. Our consistent planting schedule over the years ensures our customers that we can supply their tree needs each season. With greater demand, however, early ordering & long-range planning will be a good way to make sure we have the trees ready in the season you need them."