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03 Dec, 2018 96 Joins the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce

Last month received a warm welcome as a new Member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce (NACC).

A significant portion of our customer base is located in Naperville, Illinois. Our office is not physically located in Naperville, however, as an E-commerce business based out of rural Mazon, Illinois it’s important for us to connect and build relationships within the metropolitan communities of our Chicagoland service area. Being involved in the communities that we serve is not only important for getting a pulse on the different area’s needs from a business standpoint but also so we can stay involved and can actively contribute to the vitality of each community.  

The NACC is a large, accredited organization of 1,200 active business Chamber Members and being a Member of this Chamber will allow our business to learn and grow alongside other professionals in the Naperville area. The NACC's mission is to strive to drive economic growth through active engagement and advocacy within their business community. With approximately 40% of Chamber Members actually located outside of the City of Naperville, according to the NACC website, we are not alone in our venture to reach out and connect through the NACC. 

Right away, we felt connected to other businesses in the NACC. owner, Marlee Harford humbly commented on the very warm welcome, “I think it is great that people from other businesses in the Chamber have taken the time to send out information about their businesses, as well as, simply welcome our business to the Chamber.”

The NACC regularly engages with their Chamber Members consistently through emails, regular newsletters and across all social networking platforms. The Chamber’s true success, however, is because of their diligence in building relationships on a personal level, “There will never be anything to replace face-to-face relationships… sitting down with other businesses, sharing stories and learning about their challenges and successes builds that trust. With that trust comes business. Relationships are business builders,” says NACC CEO, Nicki Anderson in her most recent President's Corner blog post. 

There is a long list of upcoming events where business owners can meet and connect face-to-face. For more information on NACC's calendar of events check out their list of Programs & Events.

The Naperville Area Business Directory is just one of the many useful resources that they offer to their Chamber Members and area residents. There you can search for an array of trusted businesses and resources from A to Z! Check out our listing here!

Other Resources:

NACC Website:

Calendar of Programs & Events: NACC Directory Listing:

Learn more about our other association involvement:

"Present's Corner - Lesson's Learned From NACC Members." NACC, Accessed 3 December 2018.

"The Region" NACC, Accessed 3 December 2018.

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