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Spring on the Farm

26 Apr, 2018 31
Spring on the Farm is located outside of Morris, IL in Chris's hometown. Mazon, IL- a very small farm community about 90 minutes just outside of Chicago. When you drive down route 47, headed toward our office, you'll find miles and miles of open fields. In mid Spring, you'll probably see a few green and red tractors working in those fields. Come through on a mid-sunny day and you'll feel the calmness come over you. 

Some of you may already know, but alongside planting trees, Chris and Marlee own and operate a 5th generation corn and soybean operation. When Chris's father retired in 2012, Chris and I were able to take the farming operation over and now Chris works very hard to keep it going for future generations. SPRING, all though busy, is our favorite time of year! Currently, Chris is in the fields putting our 2018 corn crop in the ground. This is a long, weather dependent process. It takes many working hours, but when it's done we are grateful. In a "normal" Spring, corn will be planted first and then soybeans. Once the planting is done, the work is not over. There are many hours, days, and nights that go into growing a successful, profitable crop. Whether, it be selling last years crop, spraying this year's crop,  or "scouting" fields for large weeds, which can interfere with the growth of the new crop. There always seems to be work that needs to be done. We are very proud to be operating our family farm which has been passed down to us through many generations. We love how we are fortunate enough to be able to show our children the importance of agriculture and how it impacts everyone's daily lives. 


-Chris is in the planter, driving to the next location to start planting more corn. 

When our customers come to visit and pick out their trees, we enjoy sharing our little piece of bliss. Customers get to see the fields of corn and soybeans growing all around the nursery. We encourage them to bring their children, grandchildren, and nieces, and nephews. Teaching and showing others this part of Agriculture, some never get to see, is an exciting thing. Super cool too, when customers come out to visit, in July or August, they are welcomed to pick and bring home fresh sweet corn. If you wait until Fall, you'll see the fields being harvested, which is an entirely different thing, with new excitements. 

Sweet Corn

Sweet Corn Picking

- Sweet Corn picking in 2017

Corn Planting

in the planter

- 2018 Corn corp being planted in the ground


- Mid Summer Sunset

Make an appointment to come out and visit us at any time!