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Tree of the Week: Eastern Redbud

08 May, 2019 61
Tree of the Week: Eastern Redbud

Is this a popularity contest? Well, maybe and if it is... Eastern Redbud might just be the winner of our hearts!

Eastern Redbud is the essence of spring! Its bloom time ranges from April to May. The flowers are small and a bright pink to fuchsia color that appears tightly held along the widespread branches. 

Reasons we love it →

  • Attractive heart-shaped leaves 
  • Adorable spring flowers
  • Buttery yellow fall color
  • Moderate to a fast growth rate
  • Comes in a single stem or multi-stem clump form (clump form is excellent for privacy & screening)

Check out some pictures of Eastern Redbud in our nursery & holding yard setting!

Eastern Redbud

Redbud Leaves

Redbud Flowers



*For more information head to our Eastern Redbud product page to see more pictures and get tree statistics.*

Be sure to check out the *VIDEO* below!


Eastern Redbud Product Page:

The Morton Arboretum Tree Description:

GardenClips YouTube Page:

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