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What Fun & Relaxing Things Can I Do With Trees in My Yard

13 Apr, 2020 59
What Fun & Relaxing Things Can I Do With Trees in My Yard

Getting outside in our yards and enjoying the fresh air is a nice break from the confinement of our homes while still keeping a safe distance responsibility and socially from others.

There are so many different uses for trees in our yards besides the obvious- shade, privacy, and beauty… trees are also here for our own fun & relaxation!

Picture it— the sun comes out, the birds are chirping, a butterfly flutters past your window almost like it's trying to tell you something, and your lush shade tree is casting the perfect shadow over your hammock. So you play along, grab a book and a lightweight blanket, and head on outside, to your very own backyard oasis.

Trees can help to relax us when we need it the most. They listen without judgment, they give without asking in return and they offer fun and enchantment to people of all ages.

We’ve listed a handful of options for you to try with your newly planted tree or your existing trees. If we’ve left anything out, be sure to comment below with what fun or relaxing uses you’ve found your trees are good for!

Check out this creative list of ideas to get you started relaxing and enjoying your backyard oasis today →

01 Hang a tire swing or tree swing

This is good old-fashioned fun that has stood the test of time.

 Tree Swing

Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH

02 Tie up a hammock and enjoy a nap or two

Hammocks tied to a tree work or maybe you have the kind that stands alone. Either way, under the shade of a tree above, is hands-down the perfect napping spot.

 Tree Hammock

Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH

03 Build a treehouse or create a tree fort

This may take a bit more effort and planning than the other options and can be quite simple if you allow it.  You may be able to use materials that you have lying around. 

Tree Fort

Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH

04 Hang birdhouses & feeders- these make for fun bird watching

You can get creative here if you want to make or decorate your birdhouse or bird feeder.

 Painted Birdhouse

Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH

05 Tree fairy garden

These come in many forms, from elaborate to simple and rearrangeable. If you have little ones they will take joy in imaginary play with a fairy garden nestled under the shade of a tree. Check out some really neat ideas here

Fairy House
Photo courtesy of SNAPGUIDE

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Share how you use your trees for fun and be sure to tag us on social media! @itreeschicago & #jointheTREEvolution