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Tree of the Week: Dawn Redwood

03 Jul, 2019 110
Tree of the Week: Dawn Redwood

Dawn Redwood is an ancient beauty and was once thought to be extinct... and it's our tree of the week!

Dinosaurs once brushed up against these trees, yet here they still stand! Prehistoric, yes but well suited nonetheless for the modern landscape. Dawn Redwood is a deciduous conifer, meaning it has characteristics of evergreens but it will lose its fern-like needles in the fall after turning a brilliant rusty-red color. Unique shedding bark is an additional attractive feature. This tree works well as an accent tree in the landscape or for shade. Plant Dawn Redwood where there is plenty of room for it to grow, flourish and be enjoyed. 

Dawn Redwood

Reasons we love this prehistoric tree 

  • Unique fern-like leaves
  • Beautiful rusty fall color
  • Shaggy, red shedding/peeling bark
  • Perfect shade, parkway or specimen tree
  • Tall & pyramidal form, the crown will become rounded with age
  • Tolerant of most conditions and does excellent in wet locations
Dawn Redwood Foliage Dawn Redwood Fall Foliage 
Dawn Redwood Green Foliage


J. Frank Schmidt Data Sheet

The Morton Arboretum

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