Acer rubrum 'Franksred' was developed by J. Frank Schmidt Jr., and is noted for being the standard to which all Red Maples are compared. This tree's striking red to red-orange Fall color is the perfect accent for ushering in autumn.
Reasons why you should plant this tree right now →
- Versatility! This shade tree can be planted just about anywhere. Plant it in open spaces of your yard, for added screening near a deck or patio, as a specimen, on the parkway and it has even been proven as reliable in parking lot island areas.
- Vigorous fast grower
- Tiny pink-red Spring flower that signals the arrival of spring
- Strong and symmetrical branching
- Incredible display of Fall color
Check out Red Sunset® Red Maple in early autumn right before the trees begin to change colors →
Here's the spectacular Red Sunset® Red Maple after it's changed colors →
Red Sunset® Red Maple Product Page-
J. Frank Schmidt Data Sheet-
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