What is a Slow Release Watering Bag?
It is a slow release watering system for newly planted trees. The slow release watering bag will slowly and evenly delivers a high volume of water directly to the root system of a newly planted tree or shrub with no run-off or evaporation.
Why use a Slow Release Watering Bag?
Experts agree - deep watering is the best way to reduce the effects of transplant and drought shock in new plantings. The problem is, that watering by hand with a hose or sprinkler - even on a frequent basis - is insufficient. That's because most of the water applied is lost due to run-off or evaporation, thus not allowing for the water to penetrate deep enough into the soil to properly saturate the root zone. Treegator® is designed to properly water a newly planted tree or shrub by slowly and evenly providing deep water saturation directly to the root zone, with no run-off or evaporation - Every time. With a tree watering donut, there's no guesswork. Just fill the bag once a week... that's it. You'll water your trees and shrubs more efficiently and effectively than conventional watering methods and spend significantly less time and effort doing it.
Will it work for my new tree or shrub?
Slow Release Watering Bags are ideal for watering trees or shrubs up to 5" in caliper (trunk dia.) with branches beginning at least 6" from the ground or higher. When it is used with mulch, its shape and color make it almost invisible.
How is a it installed?
Installation is easy and requires no tools! Just place the watering device on level ground around the trunk of a new tree or shrub, fill it with water, and walk away! For step-by-step installation view the demo video linked on this page. Unlike other watering systems, when you use a slow release watering bag, there are no trenches or holes to dig, and no stakes or spikes to drive into the ground. Slow release watering bags save time, water and money!
How long does it take for it to empty?
It will continuously water a newly planted tree or shrub for approximately 5 to 8 hours, providing deep water saturation in a single application with little or no run-off.