Why it rocks:
Yellow Buckeye is a large, fast-growing native tree that captivates the senses throughout each season. In spring, its branches showcase a striking transformation as supple green buds emerge, followed by the unfolding of large, dark green, palm-like leaves. Late spring brings forth magnificent panicles of bright yellow trumpet-shaped flowers highlighted by vibrant orange centers. Its dense, cooling canopy and beautiful blooms offer significant wildlife benefits, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. While it does produce ornamental nuts, it's important to note that the tree’s nuts are not safe for human consumption. Nevertheless, small mammals like squirrels may find them quite enjoyable. As autumn arrives, the tree undergoes yet another transformation, displaying its huge leaves in breathtaking shades ranging from yellow to a rich orangey-bronze. Opt for Yellow Buckeye to infuse your landscape with a unique touch of native beauty.
Where to put it:
Yellow Buckeye features a large, upright oval canopy that offers multiple benefits, including lower energy costs when positioned thoughtfully around your home. Given their significant mature height and width, it's best to plant this tree in spacious, open areas of your yard or along the parkway. Avoid planting this tree near where pets, horses or livestock can easily graze the tree, as all parts of it are unsafe for consumption. To maximize the energy-saving advantages, consider positioning it on the east, west, or northwest sides of your home. Additionally, ensure that this tree is planted at least 15 to 20 feet away from any structures.
What it needs:
Yellow Buckeye thrives in full sunlight and moist, well-drained soil. It is tolerant of Black Walnut toxicity and is highly adaptable overall. This robust tree can flourish in nearly any environment. To promote a strong & healthy root system, please adhere to our tree care guidelines during the initial growing seasons.